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Tuesday 27 March 2018

Do you know the alternative menu of Fall Creators Update

What’s new in Windows 10 Fall Creators Update? 

Microsoft has maintained in the latest version of Windows 10, Fall Creators Update , the alternative menu that complements the typical start menu offering shortcuts to some of the  most important operating system tools . This menu is especially aimed at advanced and professional users and Microsoft is adjusting it in each version of the system.

Alternative menu of Fall Creators Update

The menu is activated by clicking the right mouse button on the start button or using the WIN + X key combination. From there, we already have access to the components of this interesting functionality. We review the options in detail:

Applications and features: It offers access to applications installed on the system, search or uninstall. Also choose the installation source or the ability to add, modify or delete existing desktop styles and activation / deactivation of Windows features.
Mobility center: Quick access to screen brightness, sound volume, battery charge status if applicable or connected screens. It also offers access to the synchronization center and presentation mode.
Energy option: Access the Start / Stop and Suspend tool in the Settings menu. It allows its management and other additional functions such as the additional power configuration, which in this case transfers you to the control panel.
Events viewer: It is an administrative utility called  Microsoft Management Console (MMC)   that helps to find and solve Windows problems and applications, including blue screens and other errors.
System . Like most management functions, Microsoft focuses on the “Configuration” tool of Modern UI and not the application of the same name in the Control Panel. It allows access to almost any function and includes information about the edition, version and compilation of Windows installed.
Device administrator: This is the classic MMC, one of the oldest utilities in Windows. The Device Manager identifies each of the hardware components of the PC and displays the assigned status and controller at a glance. It is one of the first places that any user will visit after installing Windows to ensure that all hardware devices and peripherals are configured correctly.
Network connections: One of the functions added to those included in Windows is the network, with direct access for managing the connections available on a computer, Ethernet LAN or wireless networks. It also manages here the airplane mode, the telephone access or the use of data, proxies or virtual private networks, VPN.
Disk management: Another classic MMC interface that shows the mass storage units connected to the computer and provides tools to change the drive letters, the format, the decrease or growth of partitions, and the like. The disk manager may seem old-fashioned but it also offers modern Windows features such as the ability to create virtual hard drives VHDs.
Team management: Another  Microsoft Management Console (MMC)  of the old school, a container for several other instruments and that could be considered as the spiritual predecessor of the new user menu that we are analyzing. Includes access to the task scheduler, event viewer, shared folders, users and local groups, performance, services and device or disk administrator.
Command prompt – Windows PowerShell: Access to the classic   DOS style command line interface. The command  prompt or CMD,  is the application used in NT-based systems to execute MS-DOS commands (16-bit .exe) and others as scripts with .bat and .sys format. This command line (equivalent to the Mac OS console or the Linux terminal) allows us to communicate directly with the team. Powershell is the advanced console interface of Windows. Choosing the access between one or the other is managed in “Settings> Personalization> Taskbar”.
System symbol: (administrator). A version of this Windows console but at the administrator level, which allows completing any task, order or instruction not only at the user level.
Task Manager: Quick access to  another important management tool , very useful for professionals or advanced users who want to control their equipment in depth, stop hanging tasks, see performance data, online search of suspicious processes and much more. It has been well improved from Creators Update.
Configuration: The great general tool of system management that Microsoft is promoting against the classic Control Panel. There are still some functions that are only available in the Control Panel.
File Browser: Another classic tool that has been renewed in Windows 10 to give it maximum functionality. New icons or the presence of Ribbon, the ‘Scenic UI’ interface type tape created and released by Office 2007 office suite.
Search: Access to the new search tool with Modern UI style and supported by the personal assistant, Cortana.
Run: Another of the classic tools of any Windows. Also accessible from the  keyboard shortcut WINKEY + R.
Shut down: It offers shortcuts to close the current system session, enter sleep mode, shut down or restart the computer.
Desk: Direct access to the desktop. All applications and open windows are minimized to the taskbar. If you activate it again, you will recover the above. This element works identically to write WINKEY + D.

What's missing from the Fall Creators Update?
Timeline, Pick Up Where You Left Off, and Clipboard

Not everything has made it into the 2017 update, however, so we'll have to wait until 2018 for some of the other major features.

Microsoft will introduce a feature called Timeline. It will allow you to go back to an earlier snapshot of your system and restore open programs and documents. You can therefore "go back in time" to find what you were working on, scrub through your history of open apps and documents, and restore a session.

Timeline will also work with the new Pick Up Where You Left Off feature - which will let you resume sessions and apps on multiple devices. Microsoft wants app developers to link their desktop apps so users can resume experiences on an iPhone or Android device. It will even add a cloud-powered Clipboard that will sync across Windows, iOS, and Android, so you can copy from a PC and paste it on a phone.

Clipboard will also be directly integrated into Microsoft's suite of Office apps, which will make it easier for you to quickly grab content from your mobile device and place it into a document you're working on from your desktop.

Is the Fall Creators Update free?
Yes, the update will be free for existing Windows 10 and 10 S users. All features will work across both flavours of Windows.

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