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Thursday 22 March 2018

The Ultimate IFTTT Guide: Use the Web’s Most Powerful Tool

If you have not heard about IFTTT, then this guide is for you.

“If This Then That” is a free web-based service that gives you something better than the sum of its parts. The parts are the apps and devices you can connect together to create new experiences. Linden Tibbetts, Jesse Tane, and Alexander Tibbetts visualized their invention as a “digital duct tape”. In their first blog post, Linden Tibbetts said,

The key to unlocking the creative potential of our existing digital tools might be to build a service that simplifies and consolidates the way those tools can be connected.

The best thing about IFTTT? You don’t have to be a technological whizkid to use the automation. Most of the magic is already baked for you. Read on to discover all of its secrets.


  • Start with IFTTT
  • What is IFTTT Anyway? | Why Should I Use IFTTT? |  What Can IFTTT Really Do For Me?
  • How to Supercharge Your Time with IFTTT
  • What Are Services? | What Are Applets? | How Do I Create an Applet | Can I Use Pre-Made Applets? | Now What?
  • The Cookbook: Which Applets Are Best?
  • The Top 10 Applets You Should Be Using Right Now | The Top 5 Applets for Saving Money | The Top 5 Applets for Better Relationships | The Top 5 Applets for Job Hunters | The Top 5 Applets to Automate Your Social Life | The Top 5 Applets for Tech Lovers | The Top 5 Applets for Music Lovers | The Top 5 Applets for Photographers | The Top 5 Applets for Professionals | The Top 5 Applets for Parents | The Top 5 Applets for News Junkies
  • Get the Mobile App
  • Disable Your Account or Applets
  • Disabling Your IFTTT Account | What to Do When You Want to Disable or Delete Applets

1. Start with IFTTT

IFTTT is an automation service that will enable you to connect services so that, when something happens with one service, a trigger goes off and an action takes place automatically on the other.
For example: let’s say that you are a photography fan who uses Instagram constantly throughout the day. You love taking photos with your mobile device, touching them up and sharing them for everyone to see. Your followers seem to love the photos, so you think that maybe you’d like to get a bit more serious about this whole photography endeavor.

We’ll get to photography-specific examples before this introduction is over, but the uses certainly don’t stop with photography. In fact, I would recommend that you give IFTTT a try regardless of your walk of life. It’s why I’m outlining uses for everyone – from artists to students to professionals – in this guide.

Why Should I Use IFTTT?
Most people nowadays spend hours in front of the computer for myriad reasons. Some of them like to watch videos, download music, read useful articles and do other fun activities. At the same time, using the Internet has increasingly become a part of the average person’s work life.
Whatever the case may be for you, you will eventually ask yourself if there’s a way to do the more repetitive tasks automatically. This is where IFTTT comes into play. Using the tools laid out in this guide, you’ll be able to save enormous amounts of precious time that you can use as you see fit later on.

Also, if you’re an employee who is looking to automate some of her work, this will allow you to do that without so much as breaking a sweat. Yes, IFTTT could give you an edge in your career as well!

What Can IFTTT Really Do For Me?
Throughout the course of this guide, you’ll find numerous examples of what IFTTT could do for you depending on what specific profession/activity you’re trying to streamline. For the sake of this explanation, we are going to continue with the aspiring photographerexample.

So, we’ve decided that photography could become an amazing hobby and who knows, maybe even become a full-time activity later on. But let’s not get ahead of ourselves. For right now I want to see how we can keep ourselves excited and inspired by our newly-found passion.

Here are some photography-related hacks you can set up with IFTTT in about 5 minutes.
Applet #1 – Instagram Automatic Backup to Dropbox
The example: Imagine that you’re walking near a park. All of a sudden you spot a potential photography idea right in front of you. What do you do? You take out your mobile device, shoot with your Instagram app and use IFTTT to automatically save the shot to your Dropbox account. No manual selecting and manual uploading. Create beautiful images — IFTTT will take care of the upload in the background so that they are accessible on your computer later.
Applet #2 – Save an Instagram Photo with a Specific Hashtag to Dropbox
The example: Your photography is evolving, you’re getting a lot of fans and even more likes on your photos, but you will still need the inspiration to keep going. Using this recipe, you will be able to go about your day and use Instagram like you usually do, but with an additional benefit. Whenever you add a new picture to Instagram with a specific hashtag, it will automatically be uploaded to your Dropbox.

These are only two of the thousands of practical Applets that you can create using IFTTT. The brilliant thing about IFTTT is that it has something for everybody. As of this writing, there are tons of different services that you can use for creating Applets and the list is always increasing.

Furthermore, the team has already written a couple of articles expanding upon why you need to use IFTTT. You can find them here, here and here!

Let’s go over the basics of how IFTTT works, then dive into examples.

2. How to Supercharge Your Time with IFTTT

You are connected to your apps and devices. But, how many of those interact with each other? IFTTT is the free bridge that makes each app, service, or device talk to each other and chunk different tasks for better productivity.

Let’s get on that bridge and see how it works.

What Are Services?

A service is just what it sounds like, a tool, application, or facility that works with IFTTT. The brilliant thing about IFTTT is that its variety of channels allows it to offer something to everybody.

The list of available services is enormous and more are added all the time. Some of the most popular services include Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, SoundCloud, Dropbox, Evernote, and Pocket. You can also browse services for weather, smart home controls, clocks, electronics, and many more!

What Are Applets?
Applets are what make IFTTT worth your time. Basically, they are the combination of services that use a trigger and an action. When something happens on one service, it triggers an action on another.

Confused? Don’t be, it will all make sense. Just know that Applets are formulas you set up deciding which triggers will prompt which actions.

How Do I Create an Applet– A Quickstart Guide.
Glad you asked! Making Applets is a snap with IFTTT.

First things first, you need to create an account with IFTTT. Head over to IFTTT and you will be greeted with the following screen:

Then, when you click on Sign up, you have a few different options. You can create your account with Google, Facebook, or an email address and password.

After a few seconds, you’re done and will be taken to the basic IFTTT information page. But, we mainly want to get right to the action by creating an Applet.

The first step is to click My Applets and then New Applet. Next, click the word This.

Now you will choose your service for the trigger.

For this example, we will select the Instagram trigger, which will then ask us to activate Instagram just this once. Having done that, we will choose a trigger action:

I’m going to select the first one and move on to the next step. We’re going to click on Thaton the following screen:

Next, you will need to select a service for the action. Here, we’re going to select Dropbox and activate it just the one time.

After doing this, we will be greeted by the second batch of actions. We’ll select the first one and be asked to complete the fields.

In this case, it’s asking us where to grab the photos, how to name them and where it should put them. All you have to do is click on the Add ingredient, make your selection from the drop-down box, and hit the Create Action button.

Finally, you will be asked to review your Applet. You can optionally enable notifications when the Applet runs. Then, click Finish.

The entirety of this process takes just a few moments and it will be incredibly useful to you. Plus, if you get good at creating Applets and even enjoy it, IFTTT offers a program called Maker. This free tier gives you access to templates and additional tools for creating more sophisticated Applets that you can publish for other users.

But, for most of us, there is an even simpler way to add Applets to your inventory. How? Just keep reading.

Can I Use Pre-Made Applets?

Yes! In fact, you can browse other people’s Applets, view options by category, check out collections, look at recommendations, or do a search if you are looking for something specific. And, using existing Applets is easier than creating your own.

Just click on an Applet to review the details, and move the slider to turn it on. Depending on the Applet you choose, you may be asked to connect an account like Facebook or configure pieces of the Applet like date and time. But, this is all very simple and self-explanatory as you move through the process.

Now What?
Now we ride into the sunset. Or, alternatively, we can play with our newly found superpowers! Believe me, after a while of using IFTTT, you truly feel like you are a productivity superhero.

Not only that but when other people see how everything works smoothly in your world, they’ll want to get in on the action too, which only makes IFTTT better!

The number of possible creatable Applets is almost endless and rising! Don’t let this overwhelm you though. IFTTT can be as simple as it is useful.

As you scroll below, we’ll continue to show you how to use IFTTT to your maximum advantage depending specifically on what your activities of choice are and what you’re looking to automate…

Let’s get started!

The Cookbook: Which Applets Are Best?

IFTTT is six years old as a service. Applets were called “recipes” earlier. But, the value of these tiny programs has only got better with time as more apps and services work with it than ever before. Think smart homes, Alexa, Google Assistant, and fitness trackers now to realize the countless possibilities.

So, we dug deep and selected some of the top applets you can personalize for your own use right now.

The Top 10 Applets You Should Be Using Right Now
Regardless of what you’re trying to accomplish with IFTTT, these are some of the best Applets available. I highly recommend you check them out if you want to automate your online life with simple recipes.

Applet #1 – Daily SMS Weather Forecast

The result: You get IFTTT to send an SMS each morning telling you what the weather conditions are going to be for the day.

What it’s good for: Know if you should carry an umbrella around or if you don’t need that blazer after all.

Applet #2 – Wake Up Call
The result: You get a call at a time of your preference with an automated message.

What it’s good for: We’ve all been in a situation when an alarm clock didn’t do the trick. This could set an end to late arrivals and people who don’t like Johnny/Jenny-come-lately, which can be a large number of your friends, family and work colleagues.

Applet #3 – Starred Emails in Gmail to Evernote

The result: When you mark an email with a star on Gmail, a copy of it is sent to your Evernote account.

What it’s good for: Set up appointments and store important emails. This is extremely useful, especially in the long run.

Applet #4 – NASA’s Image of the Day

The result: NASA is well-known for many things, not the least of which is their stunning photographs of our galaxy. Set this up and you’ll get an amazing photo in your email every day.

What it’s good for: These photos are awesome and give you a better appreciation of our universe and all that it holds.

Applet #5 – Get a Reminder SMS Before Events in Google Calendar

The result: You get a friendly reminder via text of the events you’ve set up in your Google calendar.

What it’s good for: Avoiding missing important meetings and events. If Woody Allen is to be believed at all, 80% of success is showing up.

Applet #6 – Email For a Call to Find a Lost Phone

The result: We’ve all lost our phone before. With this Applet you get a call when you send an email to the specified address, helping you hear where it is.

What it’s good for: You don’t need to miss a heartbeat when you realize you have lost your phone.

Applet #7 – Timed Daily Tweet

The result: Your account sends a tweet every day at a time you choose.

What it’s good for: Say hi to everyone in the morning or just before winding down for the day. It lets you post a quick tweet with no extra effort.

Applet #8 – Daily Wikipedia Article Sent to Feedly

The result: With the demise of Google Reader, Feedly has positioned itself as one of the most popular RSS readers in existence. You’ll get a random article from Wikipedia delivered to your Feedly feed each day.

What it’s good for: Increase your knowledge daily. Come up with random facts and impress friends as a nice side perk.

Applet #9 – Foursquare History to Google Calendar

The result: Your Foursquare check-ins will be logged to your Google Calendar.

What it’s good for: Knowe exactly where you have been and at what time. If you leave this one on for a while and check it back, it almost feels like time travel. It’s great for nostalgia and to remember places.

Applet #10 – IFTTT Updates Sent to Your Email

The result: You get an email whenever IFTTT has an announcement.

What it’s good for: Keep up with one of the most easy-to-use, yet cutting-edge Internet tools of the modern world. I highly recommend you do this.

As you get acquainted with IFTTT, you’ll start to notice the numerous possibilities for Applets that you’ll begin to come up with.

This guide serves as a compilation of all the best Applets created for you to play with, modify and use to your own advantage, but there are still many others on the horizon. Also, all the Applets used in this guide are available for you to use right this moment. Just take your pick and enjoy the benefits.

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