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Thursday 22 March 2018

How to Submit Blogger Sitemap to Google, Bing and Yahoo

A sitemap is an XML file which contains the list of all pages in your blog. Sitemap improves blog’s crawling rate and it also helps search engines to index our blog pages.

 In a nutshell, submitting a sitemap to search engines will tell the search engines about your blog and its contents. You can check it out this Wikipedia article which provides much information about the sitemap.
However, the Blogger’s default sitemap contains only 26 recent posts of your blog. You can check your Blogger sitemap here.


Replace your blog name in the above URL. So, here we are going to see all the steps to submit Blogger sitemap (which contains all your blog URL) to Google Search Console, Bing Webmaster Tools, and Yahoo.

Steps to Submit Blogger Sitemap to Google

Google Search Console (formerly known as Google Webmaster Tools) is a free service offered by the Google which is helpful to control blogs.

Let’s check it out the steps to add Blogger sitemap to Google Search Console.

  • Log into your Google Search Console.
  • Click on the blog name for which you want to add the sitemap.
  • Go to Crawl > Sitemaps.
  • Click on the “ADD/TEST SITEMAP” at the upper right of the screen. In the small box, paste the following code.
  • Click on "Submit Sitemap" button. Refresh the page.

That’s it. You’ve successfully submitted the sitemap to the Google Search Console. Remember the above sitemap will work for 500 blog posts.

If your blogger blog has more than 500 articles, then you need to submit one more sitemap with the following code (the steps to add sitemap is same).


If you’ve more than 1000 posts, then you need to submit another sitemap with the following code.


I hope you’ve successfully added the sitemap to Google. Let’s check it out the steps to add Blogger sitemap to Bing Webmaster Tools and Yahoo.

Steps to Submit Blogger Sitemap to Bing and Yahoo

The Yahoo site explorer was merged with Bing Webmaster Tools. So, submitting the sitemap to the Bing alone will index your blog pages in both Yahoo and Bing. Let’s get started.
  • Log into your Bing Webmaster Tools.
  • Go to "Add a Site".
  • Enter your blog URL for which you need to submit sitemap.
  • Then add the following lines in "Add a sitemap" field.

         http://yourblogname.blogspot.com/atom.xml?redirect=false&start-      index=1&max-results=500

Don't forget to replace your blog name in the above code.
  • Click on "ADD" button.
Now, you are in the verify ownership page. There you can see different methods to verify your ownership.

Copy the code (meta tag) from the web page.

  • Log into your Blogger account.
  • Navigate to Template > Edit HTML.
  • Search for <head> and paste the code below the <head> tag.
  • Click on "Save template" button.
  • Now, in the Bing Webmaster Tools, click on "Verify" button.
If you’ve more than one 500 posts, then submit one more sitemap with this code


If you’ve more than 1000 posts, then submit one more sitemap with this code


It takes up to 3-4 days for the Bing and Yahoo to index your blog posts. In the meanwhile, use the tools in the Webmaster Tools to improve your site.

I hope that the information in this post is useful to you. If you find the information in this post useful, share this post with your friends.​


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