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Wednesday 21 March 2018

Remove Footer Credit Link from Blogger Template without Redirecting to Any Website

Many websites are available on the internet which provides very stylish blogger template at very low cost. If you purchase their template than that template will not contain any credit link. These websites also provide most of the free blogger template with Non-removable credit link. Means, what? If you’ll try to remove credit link from their template, then your blog will automatically redirect to their website (Homepage or a particular site). This is because they added some JavaScript into their free templates. In another hand, if you undo the changes and keep their original credit of template then it works perfectly.

Some days ago, I have visited one of these types of Blogger template websites where I have seen what? that some peoples (newbies blogger) are requesting how to remove credit/footer link from their template and the admin and other staff members are making jokes of that requests which result in the creation of this topic.

Basically, newbies blogger don’t want to invest money in purchasing any premium template and thus, use these types of free template for their blog. Many of them are trying to remove credit link but unsuccessful, if you are one of them then no need to wait more. Because here I have shared the method by which you can remove footer link and stop redirecting to any website.

How to Remove Credit Link in 2018?

Actually, these links are attached with some JavaScript or CSS. Finding JavaScript from the template and then removing is too boring and time-consuming also it requires lots of effort to do this. But in other hand, you can easily hide the credit/footer link via CSS. This method is very simple and takes only 2 minutes.

Steps to Remove Credit/Footer Link:

[ Backup Your Template First] First of all, go to Blogger.com
Just Login to your Blogger Profile and select your blog.

Now go to Dashboard > Template > Edit HTML.

Go to the footer and find the credit/footer link which needs to remove/hide. You’ll find something like Copyright, credit or designed etc 

Search the code using Ctrl+F shortcut key-    //<![CDATA[

There are many such codes.Find something which looks like this image below

Select the code just below  as shown in above picture and delete the whole script.


Now Search the word mycontent and change that word like 


 it can be written as-   <div id='my content'>
 Now change/ remove credit link as you want .
 Now Save the Template.

Now you have done ! Visit your blog you will see your credits.

How To Remove Credits Links From Any Template

Now in second section of post we will discuss on topic 'How to remove credit link from any template like MKR site, Dapinder and many more;s template. Now In this section these sites provides some different types of javascript of protecting their credit link.but don't worry i am here, These sites provides a javascript by which they protect their credit link but in this case if you remove those javascript then you will be redirected to their  homepage. for e.g- If you will try to remove the credit link of dapinder then you will be redirected to their home page meant dapinder.com. So Avoiding this mistake you had to follow my steps then you will be able to modify or remove the credits link from any other template designers. I had successfully tried these tricks on my blog. Okay now focus on removing credit. When you remove the scripts you need to put additional script in absence of those scripts like when you remove the protecting credit link script you will find that the images are displaying of full size rather than it  displays the thumbnail images so for preventing this you had to put additional scripts on your blog so it will recover your images thumbnail , now you are thinking that this takes a lot of time but don't worry it takes only five minutes if you follow my steps correctly. So now you understanded the terms and conditions , Now let;s begin this process-

Let's Consider That you had to remove the credit link of Dapinder.Com  template then ,

Follow these steps below to remove credits links from dapindar's template-
1.Go to Blogger>Template>Edit HTML. (Note:- Backup your Template Before proceeding)
2. Search the word using Ctrl+F Shortcut key
3. Now delete the Scripts such as shown in image below-

Also Delete This.

some common words like p,a,c,k,e,d  you can also search this word and delete the scripts.

After deleting Script 1,2 and 3 proceed to next step, that is removing or modifying the credits

just search for 'my-credits' or 'my-content' or any other word that your template uses. Now you will get result like below-

Finally you can change the credits link or remove the whole code of footer. if you want to change the credit link just replace their link from it like the upper image is showing  to you.
After Modifying Credits , Save the Template, And visit your blog Now you will see your credits.


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