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Monday 19 March 2018

Egypt military says 36 jihadists killed in Sinai

Egypt's military said Monday that soldiers and police have killed 36 jihadists over five days as part of a sweeping operation against Islamic State group militants in the Sinai.

Egypt's military said Monday that soldiers and police have killed 36 jihadists over five days as part of a sweeping operation against Islamic State group militants in the Sinai.

The army launched the campaign on February 9 after Egyptian President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi, who is standing in elections this month for his second term, gave it a three-month deadline to crush IS in Sinai.

Security forces "eliminated 30 armed takfiri elements during a shootout with raiding forces" in the northern and central Sinai Peninsula, the military said in a statement.

A police shootout also left six "takfiri elements" dead and destoyed "an extremely dangerous terrorist cell", it added.

Over the past five days, soldiers also arrested 345 people "including a number of extremely dangerous takfiri elements and fugitives," it said.

Sisi issued his ultimatum in November after suspected IS gunmen massacred more than 300 worshippers at a Sinai mosque associated with Sufi Muslim mystics.

Since the military, then led by Sisi, ousted Islamist president Mohamed Morsi in 2013, security forces have sought to quell attacks by an Egyptian jihadist group that later declared allegiance to IS.

The group has killed hundreds of soldiers, policemen and civilians, mainly in its North Sinai stronghold but also elsewhere in Egypt.

The jihadists have also killed scores of Christians in church bombings and shootings.

IS claimed the 2015 bombing of a Russian airliner carrying tourists from the South Sinai resort town of Sharm el-Sheikh, which killed all 224 people on board.

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