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Monday 19 March 2018

Turkish embassy in Copenhagen hit with Molotov cocktails

At least four people attacked the Turkish embassy in Copenhagen with Molotov cocktails early Monday, police said, causing minor damage to the facade of the building but no injuries.

 At least four people attacked the Turkish embassy in Copenhagen with Molotov cocktails early Monday, police said, causing minor damage to the facade of the building but no injuries.

The perpetrators fled when a police patrol vehicle arrived at the scene, said Copenhagen police official Peter Dahl.

"We are investigating the area and looking for witnesses and CCTV but there are no suspects right now," he told AFP.

The attack took place the day after Turkey's President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said Turkish-backed Syrian rebels had taken "total control" of the centre of Afrin, a Kurdish-majority city in northern Syria.

The Turkish embassy in Copenhagen declined to comment.

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